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Movies (8)
The Blair Witch Project (1999) review

This film was hyped up as a scary horror film. The Blair Witch Project ending left me neither scared or horrified. Anger was the only emotion I felt at wasting my time for a conclusion that was lacking any adrenaline.

The Emoji Movie review

This film was hard to watch and not worth my time. The only thing worthwhile about writing a review for this film is if this review saves you from watching "The Emoji Movie."

Catwoman review

Catwoman's suit is the best thing about this film. It is a very disappointing film that isn't worth watching, not even for the suit.

Robin Hood review

Great cast of actors who acted well, but still a terrible adaption of Robin Hood. This is the Fast and Make You Furious version of Robin Hood. All other versions of Robin Hood look better after this film.

Baywatch review

A terrible remake of the television series. So arrogant is this film that it somehow makes the original television show look classy. It is not a tribute to the television series, but an insult to the Baywatch franchise.

The Mist review

One of the worst book adaptations I have ever watched. The ending was so bad I wanted a refund even though I saw the movie for free. This movie does a great job of teaching one what NOT to do in a disaster situation.

Return to the Blue Lagoon review

The opening scene of this Blue Lagoon is probably one of the worst transitions from original to sequel I have ever seen. However, the story being told I think was slightly more intriguing than the original.

Paranormal Activity 2 review

This is the scariest movie I have seen. I usually end up laughing at horror films and this one actually had some spooky moments. I really enjoyed the scare.